
December desires Turquoise

Turquoise jewelry has been unearthed in ancient Egyptian tombs, over 6,000 years ago.

The birth stone for December is Turquoise, an ancient stone, still revered by many and enjoyed in the form of jewelry today.

For centuries, the most valuable turquoise came from Iran (Persia) but today some specimens mined in the southwestern United States compete with it.

Aristotle and Pliny both refer to turquoise.

Marco Polo even wrote about it.

Turquoise has always been considered a stone of life. The name "Persian Turquoise" is now generally used to refer to any turquoise stone that does not have the black or brown veining commonly found in turquoise mined in the United States.

Native American Indians had as many different words for turquoise as there were languages spoken.

Many of the words translated into English as the “sky stone” evoking the sky-blue shade of the stone most commonly found.

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