
M. Lowe & Co. offers free appraisals to customers, and in the heals of inviting Peter Shemonski, of the revered public television antique appraisal show, invites you to come to the store for a valuation of your heirlooms. Margo Lowe founded M. Lowe & Co. 23 years ago, and has extensive experience buying and selling antique and period jewelry. Bring in your heirloom to the store for an evaluation. We invite you to browse the extensive antique jewelry collection we have available including a wide spectrum of jewels including colored and rose-cut diamonds, sapphires, cameos, enameled and copper jewels.

Appraisal consultation by Public Television Expert

Join Peter Shemonsky G. G.

at M. Lowe & Co. for a free appraisal

January 23rd: 12 - 5pm - free, call for appointment

Peter Shemonsky G. G., a public television jewelry appraiser, has worked within the jewelry industry throughout his professional career in the retailing, design, manufacturing and auction venues.

He is the course writer and instructor for the ISA antique and period jewelry course, in addition to being an internationally recognized expert and lecturer on antique and period jewelry. We will welcome 3 pieces of jewelry per person and will provide verbal information regarding their period, gemstones and metal, overall condition and current fair market or retail value.


Julieli comes to M. Lowe & Co.

Ehud Barlev of Julieli At M. Lowe & Co. Thursday, December 16th 6pm - 8:30pm Come share a glass of wine and admire Ehud Barlev's work. His creations are done with passion for design and a careful selection of materials. Bring in the Holiday Spirit at the gathering in our store and admire the beauty of Ehud's work.

December desires Turquoise

Turquoise jewelry has been unearthed in ancient Egyptian tombs, over 6,000 years ago.

The birth stone for December is Turquoise, an ancient stone, still revered by many and enjoyed in the form of jewelry today.

For centuries, the most valuable turquoise came from Iran (Persia) but today some specimens mined in the southwestern United States compete with it.

Aristotle and Pliny both refer to turquoise.

Marco Polo even wrote about it.

Turquoise has always been considered a stone of life. The name "Persian Turquoise" is now generally used to refer to any turquoise stone that does not have the black or brown veining commonly found in turquoise mined in the United States.

Native American Indians had as many different words for turquoise as there were languages spoken.

Many of the words translated into English as the “sky stone” evoking the sky-blue shade of the stone most commonly found.

Wearing the rays of the sun in a jewel

Topaz, the November birthstone, has all the colors of the setting sun - Brown,yellow, orange, sherry, red and pink, and its most valuable color is a golden orange-yellow, called "imperial topaz". Topaz crystals may become quite large and finished gems weighing several thousands of carats are seen in many museum collections.

When it comes to the most revered of topaz, the Imperial Topaz has a history that can be traced back to the Russian Czars from the time period of the 1800s. Topaz is commonly thought of as a sky-blue gem, but it was not until this century that blue topaz became widespread on the gem market. Blue topaz is the US state Texas’ gemstone and is also the birth-stone one for the month of November. Naturally occurring blue topaz is quite rare. Orange topaz, also known as precious topaz, is the symbol of friendship, and the state stone gem for the US state of Utah.


September birthdays

September are for Sapphires

The magical mystery of Sapphires has been appreciated by people for millennia. Persian ancient history described the world as resting on a giant Sapphire and it’s reflection coloring the skies. The ten Commandments tablets are said to be made of Sapphire, and event the strongest blow to them would break the any tool in pieces.

Sapphire is the most precious of blue gemstones. It is a most desirable gem due to its color, hardness, durability, and luster. The most valuable color of sapphire is cornflower blue, known as Kashmir sapphire or Cornflower blue sapphire. A great September gift, Sapphires are now available at M. Lowe & Co. Stop by for a visit.


Slither into this Ring

Although most of us at M.Lowe & Co. are horribly afraid of snakes, we have no problem wearing this ornate piece on our finger! With Fall trends on the horizon, it's all about being eclectic and unique. Pair this with a little LBD or amplify the playfulness of the ring with an army inspired shirt, this snake is sure to have all eyes on it!